Therapeutic Eastern Massage

February 10, 2011


Unlike Western types of massage, Eastern massage applies principles based on more traditional lymphatic therapyprinciples, such as the body’s energy source or Chi, pressure points, and Chinese meridians of the body.

Two great examples of Eastern massage therapy are Shiatsu (acupressure) and Reflexology. To learn more about reflexology, auriculotherapy, and acupressure, read this and find out how massage therapy can be an effective and natural way to provide pain relief.

Another type of Eastern massage is decongestive lymphatic therapy. Read on to find out more about this type of massage therapy.

What is lymphatic therapy?

Lymphatic therapy is a type of Eastern massage that aims to reduce the congestion of the lymphatic system. It is a rather complicated massage, which includes bandages, skin care, certain exercises, and manual lymphatic drainage (also known as MLD).

MLD involves a gentle massage aimed at treating lymphedema. Areas closer to the heart are treated first so that any lymph drainage from more remote parts of the body do not flood these areas. Manual lymphatic drainage aims to stretch out the collecting ducts of the lymphatic system and to promote drainage. After the manual drainage, bandages are used to provide a compressive effect. A person undergoing lymphatic therapy will also be taught how to care for his skin and for his health in general.

What are the other types of massage?

There are many other types of message. For example, Western massage involves effleurage, deep friction, tapotement, and petrissage. Read more on effleurage and petrissage in this article. Find out about deep friction and tapotement and how they provide natural pain relief right here. These types of massage provide different benefits through different physiologic mechanisms.

Massage therapy has long played an important role among people with different ailments and body aches. Known for both mechanical and psychological effects, massage therapy is a natural means of promoting one’s health and improving the body’s capacity to heal. More studies are needed to prove how exactly massage and touch therapy have become powerful tools to both the Eastern and Western world.

For instance, did you know that a healthy, well-fed baby will die if deprived of human touch? Read more on this report by clicking here.

Eastern Massage Therapy

February 7, 2011


Massage therapy has long been used for different conditions, including muscle spasms, headaches, and even respiratory problems. They have been used by both the scientific community and the more traditional Eastern countries. Regardless of whether a massage therapy is Western or Eastern, it seems to effectively provide natural relief to many conditions.

Western massage therapy exists in the form of effleurage, tapotement, petrissage, or deep friction. To find out more about effleurage and petrissage, read this. Or click here if you are interested in deep friction and tapotement.

What is eastern massage therapy?

Eastern massage is widely popular in many parts of the world. Unlike western massage, eastern massage does not rely on western principles and theories of the body’s physiology and anatomy.

What are the types of Eastern massage therapy?

massage Below are a few types of Eastern massage:

  • Shiatsu
  • Reflexology/ Auriculotherapy
  • Decongestive lymphatic therapy

    What is Shiatsu?

    Shiatsu is a Japanese massage therapy but is based on Chinese principles of meridians and also on more Western, scientific principles.

    Shiatsu revolves around the twelve Chinese major channels (also known as meridians) in the body. These meridians are thought to be where life force (Chi, or energy) circulates in the body. On these meridians, certain pressure points are located that allow specific access to the aforementioned meridians. It was believed that imbalance of energy in the meridians can bring about illness. Therefore, the pressure points are targeted in Shiatsu (acupressure) to restore balance in the body’s Chi. The pressure points are targeted by acupressure massage instead of the needles of acupuncture.

    What are auriculotherapy and reflexology?

    Just like shiatsu, auriculotherapy and reflexology both use the theories surrounding the Chinese meridians of the body. Below are some concepts of reflexology:

    • Meridians in reflexology are thought to control specific areas of the body, pretty much like how certain areas of the brain control specific parts of the body.
    • Attention has been paid particularly to the feet. In reflexology, different parts of the feet were mapped to represent specific body parts.

    Lymphatic therapy is another type of Eastern massage aimed at reducing the congestion of the lymphatic system. This type of Eastern massage is useful in people suffering from lymphedema. To find out more about this complex massage that involves caring for oneself, click here.

    Western Massage Therapy

    February 4, 2011


    In the previous article, specific types of Western massage therapy were discussed, specifically effleurage and petrissage. In this next installment, find out about the rest of the Western massage types.

    What is done in tapotement?

    tapotement Tapotement involves sudden, compressive blows on the muscle or skin. The following are usually done in tapotement:

    • Tapotement involves rhythmic, rapid, and gentle percussion.
    • There are different types of tapotement, depending on what part of your hands touch the body.
    • Many people believe that tapotement displaces trapped air, leading to a therapeutic effect.
    • Tapotement stimulates. This stimulatory effect is desired by a lot of people who want to feel energized.

    What is done in deep friction?

    Deep friction involves a shearing stress that is created between tissue interfaces right below the skin. The following are done to achieve effective deep friction massage:

    • In deep friction, the shearing stress is directed on underlying tissues instead of more superficial tissues of the skin. The interface involved may be between the dermis and the fascia, the fascia and the muscle, or the muscle and the bone.
    • The use of deep pressure keeps the more superficial areas of the skin from experiencing friction.
    • Using the ball of your finger or thumb, pressure is carefully applied on someone’s soft tissues.
    • This type of massage is specifically useful in preventing adhesion of scars. Adhesion of scar tissue results in limited mobility; it is therefore important to prevent this from happening.

    Western massage uses scientific principles and knowledge regarding the body’s anatomy and physiology. It is largely based on either scientific theories or proven principles.

    If you are curious about the origins of massage and why it brings about natural relief from many pains and medical conditions, read this. Also, you may learn more about effleurage and petrissage, the two other types of western massage by reading this article.

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    Types of Massage Therapy

    February 1, 2011


    Massage Therapy

    Massage therapy is a popular and reportedly effective means of achieving natural pain relief. It involves many principles, most of which may either be Eastern or Western. To know more about the origins of massage and how it came to be, read this article.

    Massage, whether of the Eastern or Western variety, has been popular in providing relief for many conditions and symptoms. Read on to find out more about massage and its many benefits.

    What are examples of massage therapy?

    massage 2 Below are a few examples of massage:

    • Shiatsu (acupressure)
    • Swedish massage
    • Rolfing massage
    • Myofascial release
    • Reflexology

    Massage can also be classified according to whether they were inspired by Eastern or Western principles.

    What are the types of Western massage?

    The many types of Western massage can be classified into:

    • Effleurage
    • Petrissage
    • Tapotement
    • Deep friction massage

    What is done in effleurage?

    Effleurage involves a gentle stroking of the skin. The following concepts usually apply:

    • The masseur’s hands gently stroke the skin above the muscles being targeted.
    • Powder or oil can be used to help reduce friction.
    • It may either be deep or superficial
    • Superficial effleurage stimulates skin receptors and may be effective due to nervous or vascular reflexes. Deep effleurage, on the other hand, promotes fluid mobilization in deeper soft tissues.
    • Superficial effleurage may be performed in any direction; however, deep effleurage should be done in the direction of venous flow; that is, going towards the heart.
    • Effleurage is an effective way to have a person relax and to gain someone’s confidence before proceeding with the rest of the massage. It may also be useful in gauging which muscles are tight.

    What is done in petrissage?

    Petrissage is a firmer massage involving compression of soft tissues. The following concepts are applicable in petrissage:

    • Soft tissues should be squeezed and compressed gently while hands move around in a circular pattern. The circular movement of the hands should be perpendicular to the course of the compression.
    • When tissues are squeezed then released, there is a reflexive and reactive increase in blood flow.
    • One specific type of petrissage is called lymphatic pump. This involves the rib cage or chest of a person with respiratory problems, aimed at promoting lymph flow and venous blood flow because of alternating compression and release of pressure on the person’s chest.

    What is done in tapotement?

    To learn more about tapotement, click here.